Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Trace Your Family Tree in US Land Deeds

How to Trace Your Family Tree in US Land Deeds Most Americans owned at least some land prior to the twentieth century, making individual land records a treasure trove for genealogists. Deeds, legal records for transferring land or property from one individual to another, are the most prevalent and widely used of the U.S. land records, and can provide a fairly reliable method of tracking ancestors when no other record can be found. Deeds are relatively easy to locate and often provide a wealth of information on the family members, social status, occupation, and neighbors of the named individuals. Early land deeds are especially detailed and predate most other record sources, increasing the importance of land records the further back a researcher goes.   Why Land Deeds?Land records are an especially powerful genealogical resource, especially when used in conjunction with other records, for breaching brick walls or in building a case where no one record provides a record of relationship. Deeds are an important genealogical resource because: U.S. land deeds often involve more people than other genealogical sources - providing a potential source for information on family members, neighbors, and even friends. Land deeds help to locate a person in a particular area at a particular time. Deed books at the county courthouse are only copies of the original land deeds, so land records are especially useful in areas where a courthouse fire has destroyed most of the records prior to a certain date. Because property was valuable, most people would bring their original deeds back to the courthouse following a fire or other catastrophe so that they could be re-recorded.Deeds can be used to distinguish two men with identical names by locating one or both on a particular piece of property.Deeds that transfer property by will or estate may name all children and their spouses.Deeds, in conjunction with tax lists, can often help to reconstruct an entire neighborhood - making it easier to find potential migration patterns Deed versus GrantWhen researching land deeds it is important to understand the difference between a grant or patent, and a deed. A grant is the first transfer of a piece of property from some government entity into the hands of an individual, so if your ancestor acquired land by grant or patent then he was the original private land owner. A deed, however, is the transfer of property from one individual to another, and covers pretty much all land transactions following the original grant of land. Types of DeedsDeed books, records of property transfers for a particular county, are usually under the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Deeds and can be found at the local county courthouse. In the New England states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Vermont, land deeds are kept by the town clerks. In Alaska, deeds are registered at the district level and, in Louisiana, deed records are kept by the parish. Deed books contain records of a variety of land sales and transfers: Deed of SaleDeed of GiftStrawman SaleLease ReleaseMortgage SaleEstate Settlement Next How to Locate Land Deeds Land transfers between individuals, also known as deeds, are typically recorded in deed books. The original deed was retained by the land owner, but a full copy of the deed was recorded by the clerk in the deed book for the locality. Deed books are kept at the county level for most U.S. states, though in some areas they may be kept at the city or town level. If youre researching in Alaska, then the county-equivalent is known as a district, and in Louisiana, as a parish. The first step in searching for land deeds and deed indexes is to learn about the locality where your ancestors lived. Begin by asking yourself the following questions: Do land records exist for your area and time period of interest?What county had jurisdiction at the time period (the present-day county where the land is located may not have always had jurisdiction due to changing county boundaries)? Are deed records still in county custody or have they been moved to some other location?What is the county seat and what is the name of the deed office (Register of Deeds is the most common name used for the office)? Once you have determined where to search for land deeds, the next step is to search the deed indexes. This can be a bit more difficult than it sounds because different localities may have their deeds indexed in different formats and many deed indexes have not been computerized. Searching the IndexMost U.S. counties have a grantor index, otherwise known as a sellor index, of their land deeds. Most also have a grantee, or buyer, index. In cases where their is no grantee index, you must read wade through all of the entries in the seller index to locate the buyers. Depending upon the locality, a number of different seller and buyer indexes may be in use. The easiest ones to use are alphabetized lists which cover, in order of recording, all deeds recorded within a particular county. A variation on this type of deed index is a list indexed by first initial of the surnames within a selected period of time (about fifty years or more). All A surnames are grouped unalphabetized in the page order in which they are found, followed by all B surnames, and so on. Sometimes surnames which are very common in the area will be grouped by themselves. Other indexes commonly found used to index deeds includ Paul Company Indexes, the Burr Record Index, the Campbell Index, the Rus sell Index, and the Cott Index. From Deed Index to DeedMost deed indexes provide a substantial amount of information including the date of the deed transaction, the names of the grantor and grantee, plus the book and page number where the deed entry can be found in the deed books. Once you have located the deeds in the index, it is a relatively simple task to find the deeds themselves. You can either visit or write to the Register of Deeds yourself or browse the microfilm copies of the deed books at a library, archives, or through your local Family History Center. Next Deciphering the Deeds Although the legal language and old handwriting styles found in old deeds may seem a bit intimidating, deeds are actually organized into predictable parts. The exact format of the deed will vary from locale to locale, but the overall structure remains the same. The following elements are found in most deeds: This IndentureThis is the most common opening for a deed and will frequently be found written in larger letters than the rest of the deed. Some earlier deeds dont use this language, but instead will start with words such as To all to whom these presents shall come greeting... ...made and entered into this fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy five.This is the date of the actual deed transaction, not necessarily the date it was proved in court, or recorded by the clerk. The date of the deed will often be found written out, and may appear here at the beginning of the deed, or later near the end. ...between Cherry and Judah Cherry his wife...of the one part, and Jesse Haile of the county and state aforesaidThis is the section of the deed that names the parties involved (the grantor and grantee). Sometimes this section includes details which added to make it clear which William Crisp or Tom Jones was meant. Additionally, this section may also indicate relationships between the involved parties. Specifically, watch for details on place of residence, occupation, seniority, name of spouse, position relating to the deed (executor, guardian, etc.), and statements of relationship. ...for and in consideration of the sum of ninety dollars to them in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledgedThe term consideration is usually used for the section of the deed which acknowledges payment. The sum of money which changed hands is not always specified. If it is not, be careful not to assume that it indicates a deed of gift between family members or friends. Some people just liked to keep their financial matters private. This section of the deed is usually found immediately after the names of the parties to the deed, though sometimes it may be found mentioned between the parties. ...a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the State and County aforesaid containing by estimation one hundred acres more or less butted and bounded as follows Beginning in a Cashy Swamp at the mouth of a Branch then up said branch...The statement of property should include the acreage and the political jurisdiction (the county, and possibly the township). In public-land states it is given by the rectangular survey coordinates and in subdivisions it is given by lot and block number. In state-land states, the description (such as in the example above) includes a description of the property lines, including waterways, trees, and adjoining land owners. This is known as a metes and bounds survey and usually starts with the word Beginning written in extra large letters. have and to hold the above said bargained premises to him the said Jesse Haile his heirs and assigns foreverThis is typical beginning for the final section of the deed. It is usually full of legal terms and generally covers items such as possible encumberances or restrictions on the land (back taxes, outstanding mortgages, joint owners, etc.). This section will also list any restrictions on use of the land, payment terms for mortages if it is a deed of mortgage, etc. ...whereof we have set our hands and fixed our seals this fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and seventy five. Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us...If the deed wasnt dated at the beginning, then you will find the date here at the end. This is also the section for signatures and witnesses. It is important to understand that the signatures found in the deed books are not true signatures, they are just copies made by the clerk as he recorded from the original deed.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Analyzing the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War Essays

Analyzing the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War Essays Analyzing the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War Essay Analyzing the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War Essay In order to validate the statement, The years from 1952 to 1975 in U. S. history were marked by tremendous political and social turmoil that led to major changes in American society, one would have to evaluate the role played by the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War in bringing about and contributing to those changes.The purpose of this essay is to evaluate whether or not the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement indeed contributed to the social and political turmoil during the time period of 1952-1975 that changes American society in a major way. The Civil Rights Movement is considered to have started in the 1950s, when an open battle began against racial segregation and discrimination. The social factors that contributed to it were the growth of the urban black middle class, and the lasting impression of freedom offered to black soldiers during World War II.The political factors were the political mobilization of northern blacks, which dominated the Democratic Party at this time. After the Cold War ended, many white Americans joined the movement because they felt that the racial injustice was becoming an embarrassment to a country that wanted to be perceived by other nations as a model nation. People that played an important role were labor unions with substantial black membership, ministers, educators, students at black colleges, and other professionals.It was officially kicked off when the United States Supreme Court decided on May 17, 1954 to announce its decision to the Brown v Board of Education in Topeka. This decision declared that segregation of public schools utilizing any method based on race was considered unacceptable under the eyes of the law. This decision came with much tension, and also helped to bring awareness to many other issues of segregation in the South.When Rosa Parks decided to not give up her seat for a white passenger in 1955, it was answered in response by the Supreme Court ruling again that segregating public transportation was also to be illegal. One of the most known leaders of the Civil Rights Movement was Martin Luther King, Jr. His nonviolent methods of protesting racial injustice allowed for many people to join the cause due to the high moral approach that he utilized (Brinkley, p. 745-749. ) The Civil Rights Movement contributed to the major changes in American society.The reason that this is statement is validated is because the efforts of this turmoil during this period is realized today. They accomplished their goals, which were to end racial segregation and stand for equality for all American citizens. While Martin Luther King didn’t live to realize his accomplishments himself, he left behind a legacy that showed many that goals can be accomplished through nonviolent methods. The political changes are that laws were put into place to ensure the goals of Civil Rights activists are upheld.The social changes are that in most cases people are treated equally in regards to race. The Vietnam War, once called the most disastrous of all America’s undertakings over the whole 200 years of history by George Kennan (Brinkley, p. 773) was a war where the United States entered to support South Vietnam. The goal was to help South Vietnam maintain an anticommunist government. What began as providing aid, turned into intervention, and then full-fledged involvement.In the beginning, few Americans protested America’s involvement in the war, however this drastically changed as time continued. Peace marches took place in several major cities, including Washington, D. C. and New York. The Vietnam War was a huge factor in the turmoil of the time period. The turning point was the Tet Offensive, where the American people actually were able to see through news footage, the devastation that was occurring in Saigon, among other places in South Vietnam (Brinkley, p. 773-779).The statement is validated because people learned of what information was not originally being provided to them, and decided that the United States’ involvement should not continue at the extent that it was. The American people got their way with this issue because we succeeded this war. When looking at the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War together, it is quite apparent that these two had a dramatic impact on American political and social change. The American people moved in a different direction, opposing both where they once accepted both.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Palliative Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Palliative Care - Essay Example Palliative care may be achieved by offering psychological, physical, and spiritual relief for the patient. In the United Kingdom, palliative care services are not only applied to the end of life patients but are also increasingly widely used in the management of incurable diseases alongside other medical procedures such as diagnosis and treatment. This is particularly attributed to the growing empirical evidence suggesting that the cost –efficacy of palliative care significantly outweighs attempts at disease cure, with regard to quality of life for both the patient and the family. The provision of palliative care is often affected by a number of external influences such as pathways, government policies and agendas and hospice availability as well as internal influences some of which may include psychological and physical aspects of the patients or their families. Other internal factors may also include the knowledge of the caregivers regarding the principles and practices of palliative care, attitudes of the caregiver on life and death and support from relatives and family members. This paper is based on a case study of Mrs. Janet, an end of life cancer patient who was admitted in a hospital in the United Kingdom 28 years after her initial diagnosis of cervical cancer (see Appendix A). The case study analysis attempts to highlight some of the potential external influences that may have directly influenced her end-of-life care, as well as the strategies applied by concerned practitioners in facilitating the delivery of palliative care services of the required quality. In addition, the present case analysis also seeks to critically evaluate the variable factors, including the social, physical, and psychological factors, together with their respective impacts on the experience of the client in relation to the provided palliative care. There exist a diverse number of factors that influence the end-of-life palliative care provided to patients with life-limiting health conditions. In the case study, Mrs. Janet’s end of life care is likely to be directly influenced by external factors such as such as cultural factors, care pathways, government policies and agendas and hospice availability.